Creating a stage

Shannon doesn’t love the new stage space:
I really missed the way it worked in the other room.
Even though it still wasn’t an identifiable stage
it had that--
in the same way that the hearth in your den
as a kid
is not actually a stage,
but because you give it that power
it becomes a stage.
That space in that other room
had that power.
This is just a hole
where there used to be a table. [laughs]
You know?
It doesn't really work as a stage.
I feel like we need a platform
in order for it to really work.

A hearth is a stage because you give it that power. And the the stage in the old Carapace setup had that power. Why doesn’t the new stage have that power? If stageness is granted by people, why doesn’t the assertion that this is a stage cut it? Is there also a physical element necessary to make a space a stage?


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