Stage as prop

I wrote recently about the overextended stage and then Benjamin said the most amazing thing about performing at Venkman’s.
The only time that I was ever able to connect as easily
with the crowd at Venkman's
was when I was standing on the stage
talking about suicide,
talking about how at one point I thought about
jumping off a balcony
and was standing on a literal ledge
above everyone else
as I said it.
It startled the hell out of people.
But it worked,
they paid attention to the whole show.

Many people found the Venkman’s stage to be too “hot” - too stage-y - including Benjamin. But when he used it as a prop, he flipped the situation again. Instead of the overextended stage making the storyteller subservient, the audience’s clown, Benjamin commanded their attention. He “startled the hell” out of them by making them feel like they were watching him stand on a balcony.


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