Craving Connection

What does it mean for a story to be true? Neshama brings up a good point that even folktales contain truths. Whether or not you agree, people attend shows with different definitions of what truth in storytelling means, so a variety of interpretations is always possible.   

Neshama describes people as being “hungry” for The Moth, having an “enormous appetite for it.” The food metaphor again. Is it still related to intimacy? And it's interesting that people could crave something they hadn’t had yet. There is this physical quality still. A physical need for live personal stories.  

Getting into interviews about The Moth means adding to my codes on ritual and rules. Competitive story slams have additional ritual elements like the judging and additional rules like not reusing a story. 

The audience supporting new tellers. “Everybody is making the story happen.” Beautiful! 


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